Getting started

Connect Screendesk to Help Scout

Visit the integrations page. Then click on Connect.

  1. Visit: Create a Custom App

2. Fill in the required fields

3. Make sure to click on Finish installation .

4. Visit any conversation in your Help Scout inbox.

5. Click on the button Connect to Screendesk.

6. Authorize Screendesk to access your account

That's it you have now connected Screendesk to Help Scout!

Requesting a recording

  1. Click on request a recording.

2. A draft with a link is automatically created. Update your draft and send it to your customer for them record their screen.

3. We will update the conversation when your customer has submitted a recording.

Sending a recording

  1. Click on Send a recording.

2. You are redirected to the screen recorder page. Record your screen.

3. Screendesk will then created a draft with the recording in your Help Scout conversation.

Last updated