Capture console logs and network

This feature is available on the Enterprise plan

For difficult troubleshooting scenarios, such as when you're unable to reproduce a problem in your environment, console logs are invaluable. Screendesk also records Fetch and XHR requests made during the session.

This feature saves your team the trouble of needing to request customers to share their network activity and console logs.

To activate network activity and console log capturing in screen recordings, navigate to settings, then to screen recorder.

Video sync

When you click the timestamp to the left of a log, the recording will also skip to this timestamp.


Supported data types

The following types of data can be captured and shown in the console:

  • Steps: page navigation or recording actions e.g. start, stop, pause

  • Click events that reach the document level are recorded

  • Focus and blur events

  • Script errors

  • Unhandled rejections

  • Console.debug

  • Console.log


  • Console.warn

  • Console.error


The Screendesk recorder captures network requests and their responses for both XMLHttpRequests and fetch requests. Due to the complexity of capturing network requests, there are some technical limitations.

Last updated